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    User's Manual for Windows Web Hosting + Plesk Control Panel

    Online User's Manual for Windows Web Hosting

    Image by Placeit.Net


    Online Quick Help Guide, It is compiled from various websites suitable for beginners and those who just moved the web site to live with us. Content covers the specific for Windows Web Hosting, Plesk Control Panel and MailEnable Webbase Mail only.

    10/04/2017 10:00 AM

    You can find required information within our site by entering keywords in the form below.

    คำแนะนำ: Some guides are Flash Animation which our team.bought license from DemoWolf.Com To be easy to learn and understand. Some files are Shockwave Flash File.(.swf), You may install Adobe Flash Player first. Free Download
    Chapter 1
    1Getting Started GuideLanguageLink Type
    1.01How to access the Control Panel to manage your website.
    1. Go to https://www.yourdomain.com:8443 หรือ https://xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:8443
    * Don't forget to change "youdomain.com" to your real domain name or change IP xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx to your real IP address.
    Remarkุ: Our team has updated the login system to Plesk Control Panel to support SSL - Secure Socket Layer already. You can change login url from https://www.yourdomain.com:8443 to https://cp.siamecohost.com instead.
    2. Login by use Username and Password as we send it to you via email.
    3. Preview Plesk Control Panel Login page.  Image Popup
    4. Preview Plesk Control Panel Main Page  Image Popup
    Remark:How to Solv the Problem, If you had found web browser warning "Your connection is not private."  Html Tutorial
    1.02How to Change Password for Login to Plesk Control Panel Update   Video Clip  
    1.03How to Change Personal Information and Email used to communicate with the host. Update   Video Clip  
    1.04How to enter the Webmail to send & receive an email.
    1. Go to http://webmail.yourdomain.com  Image Popup
    2. Login by use you@yourdomain.com and password.
    * You must add email user first, before login to Webmail, Please see Chapter 2
    Chapter 2
    2Introduction to Email UsingLanguageLink Type
    2.01How to Add Email User Update   Video Clip  
    2.02How to Change Email Password Update   Video Clip  
    2.03How to Create Email Aliases Update   Video Clip  
    2.04How to do Mail Forwarders Update   Video Clip  
    2.05How to do Mail Responders Update   Video Clip  
    2.06How to Setup Rule for Anti Spam Mail Update   Video Clip  
    2.07How to Enable/Disable Webmail, How to setup Default Webmail (MailEnable/horde) Update  Html Tutorial
    2.08How to Setup Microsoft Outlook 2003/2007 for Send & Receive an Email  Html Tutorial
    2.09How to Setup Microsoft Outlook 2010 for Send & Receive an Email  Html Tutorial
    2.10How to Setup Microsoft Outlook 2013 for Send & Receive an email  Html Tutorial
    2.11How to Setup Microsoft Outlook 2016 for Send & Receive an email  Html Tutorial
    2.12How to Setup Microsoft Outlook 2019 for Send & Receive an email  Html Tutorial
    2.13How to Repair Account in Outlook if the Account is already exist  Html Tutorial
    2.14How to Sync Email from Mail Server wiht Microsoft Outllok  Html Tutorial
    2.15How to Setup Microsoft Outlook 2010 to work together with Gmail/Google Apps  Html Tutorial
    2.16How to Setup Email on iPhone  Html Tutorial
    2.17How to Setup Email on iPad  Html Tutorial
    2.18How to Setup Email on Android Phone  Html Tutorial
    2.19How to Setup Apple Mail Account on Mac  Html Tutorial
    2.20AHow to Setup Mail Program (Windows 10) on PC  Html Tutorial
    2.20BHow to Setup Mail Program (Windows 10 New Version) on PC New  Html Tutorial
    2.21How to Use your email @yourdomain.com to work together with Outlook.Com New  Html Tutorial
    2.22How to Use your email @yourdomain.com to work together wiht Gmail.Com New  Html Tutorial
    2.23Email Check Tools - When you can not send or receive an email, Use this tools to find out what is a problem. Html Tutorial
    2.24Read this Article to find out, Why you could not sent an email to Hotmail, Gmail, Yahoo Html Tutorial
    2.25Example PHP Script for send an email with mail() function. Html Tutorial
    2.26Example ASP Script for send an email with CDONTS component (ASP) Html Tutorial
    2.27Example PHP Script for send an email with PHPMailer (Using Host's SMTP, MailJet's SMTP and Gmail's SMTP) Html Tutorial
    Chapter 3
    3Using Webmail (MailEnable, horde)LanguageLink Type
    3.01How to access the Webmail
    1. Go to https://webmail.siamecohost.com
    2. Login by use your email yourname@yourdomain.com and password which you added in Article 2.01
    3. Preview Webmail login page - MailEnable  Html Tutorial
    4. Preview Webmail login page - horde  Html Tutorial
    3.02How to Change Email Password - MailEnable  Html Tutorial
    3.03Basic Setup Webmail - MailEnable
    1. Account Settings  Html Tutorial
    2. Regional Settings (Time Zone, Culture)  Html Tutorial
    3. Compose - Settings Font size, Email Template (Text, Html)  Html Tutorial
    4. Auto Response - Setting Auto Response Email  Html Tutorial
    5. Email Signature -Setting Email Signature  Html Tutorial
    3.04Contacts - Adding contacts (Address Book)  Html Tutorial
    3.05Calendar - Adding Appointment  Html Tutorial
    3.06Task - Adding Task or Todo List  Html Tutorial
    Chapter 4
    4How to upload files onto the server and manage the site using File Manager.LanguageLink Type
    * The main folder used to store your site is /httpdocs. You only need to upload files to this folder.
    4.01How to Change FTP Password Update   Video Clip  
    4.02How to Addding FTP Users (For client who had FTP Users Quota more than 1 user) Update   Video Clip  
    4.03How to Manage files on a host with File Manager    Video Clip  
    4.04How to Install and Using FileZilla for Upload files to Server (VDO Clip) Update   Video Clip  
    4.05How to Install FileZilla (HTML)  Html Tutorial
    Download FileZilla from developer's website Download    
    4.06How to Using FileZilla (HTML)  Html Tutorial
    4.07How to Upload files with Macromedia DreamWeaver CS6 (VDO Clip) Update  Video Clip  
    4.08How to Upload files with Macromedia DreamWeaver (HTML) Html Tutorial
    4.09How to Solve the problem when could not Connect FTP Server Html Tutorial
    4.10How to Upload files with Net2FTP (Web Service)  Html Tutorial
    4.11How to Set Permissions of Files/Folder   Html Tutorial
    Chapter 5
    5MySQL Database ManagementLanguageLink Type
    5.01How to Adding MySQL Database (HTML)  Html Tutorial
    5.01How to Adding MySQL Database (VDO Clip) Update   Video Clip  
    5.02How to Access PHPMyAdmin  Html Tutorial
    5.03How to Install HeidiSQL for MySQL Database Management  Html Tutorial
    5.04View Screenshot of HeidiSQL External Link
    5.05HeidiSQL User's Manual External Link
    5.06 Sample PHP Code (Connection String) for connect MySQL Database

    //database connections for Mysqli
    $dbhost = 'localhost';
    $dbname = 'affiliate';
    $dbuser = 'bob77';
    $dbpass = 'ab1234';
    $conn = mysqli_connect($dbhost, $dbuser, $dbpass, $dbname);
    mysqli_select_db($conn, $dbname);

    5.07How to coding Connection String for connect any type of database http://www.sqlstrings.com External Link
    5.08Learn how to create Table in MySQL by use phpMyAdmin and how to coding PHP script to connect MySQL Database External Link
    5.09Learn How to use MySQL Database with PHP External Link
    5.10How to Export/Import MySQL Database  Html Tutorial
    Chapter 6
    6MS Access (.mdb, .accdb) Database ManagementLanguageLink Type
    6.01You can connect .mdb, .accdb database by use Server.Mappath instead of ODBC
       by upload file .mbd, .accdb onto any sub folder of /httpdocs Example: /httpdocs/mydb
    6.02   Sample Connection String to connect .mdb, .accdb via Server.Mappath
       Set conn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
       [1] conn.Open "Driver={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)};
       [2] conn.Open "Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;
            Data Source=C:\Inetpub\vhosts\yourdomain.com\httpdocs\folder\your_db.accdb;"
    6.03How to coding Connection String for connect any type of database http://www.sqlstrings.com External Link
    Chapter 7
    7Mssql Database ManagementLanguageLink Type
    7.01How to Adding MSSQL Database (HTML)  Html Tutorial
    7.02How to Adding MSSQL Database (VDO Clip) Update   Video Clip  
    7.03How to Access MyLittleAdmin for management MSSQL Database  Html Tutorial
    7.04How to Install heidisql for management MSSQL Database  Html Tutorial
    7.05Connect MSSQL Server with Program heidisql New

    7.06HeidiSQL User's Manual External Link
    7.07Connect MSSQL Server with Program Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio (Support MSSQL 2012 Only)

    Download Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio 2012 Free from Microsoft Website Download    
    7.08Sample ASP Code (Connection String) for connect MSSQL Database

    //database connections for MSSQL
    "Provider=SQLOLEDB;Data Source=(localhost); User Id=jakkritdb; Password=ab1234; Initial Catalog=jakkritdb;"

    Remark: If you use Data Source = (localhost) and found this Error
    [DBNETLIB][ConnectionOpen (Connect()).]SQL Server does not exist or access denied.
    Try to change Data Source to (local) Example: strSQLServerName = "localhost" you must change to strSQLServerName = "(local)"

    7.09How to coding Connection String for connect any type of database http://www.sqlstrings.com External Link
    7.10How to Export/Import MSSQL Database  Html Tutorial
    Chapter 8
    8User Manual for Advance UserLanguageLink Type
    8.01How to Adding Domain Name Update   Video Clip  
    8.02How to Adding Sub Domain Name Update   Video Clip  
    8.03How to Adding Domain Alias Update   Video Clip  
    8.04How to Protect Directory (Password Protect Directory) Update   Video Clip  
    8.05How to Install WordPress Update   Video Clip  
    8.06How to Install SSL Certificate (Free Let Encrypt Certificate) on Plesk   Html Tutorial
    8.07How to Install SSL certificate. (Paid SSL Certificate) on Plesk - VDO Update  Video Clip  

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